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Greek an Coptic

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Greek an Coptic
(144 code points)
ScriptsGreek (117 char.)
Coptic (14 char.)
Common (4 char.)
Major alphabetsGreek
Assigned135 code points
Unuised9 reserved code points
Source staundartsISO 8859-7
Unicode version history
1.0.0 (1991)112 (+112)
1.0.1 (1992)103 (-9)
1.1 (1993)105 (+2)
3.0 (1999)110 (+5)
3.1 (2001)112 (+2)
3.2 (2002)115 (+3)
4.0 (2003)120 (+5)
4.1 (2005)124 (+4)
5.0 (2006)127 (+3)
5.1 (2008)134 (+7)
7.0 (2014)135 (+1)
Note: [1][2][3]

Greek an Coptic is the Unicode block for tae represent modren (monotonic) Greek. It wis originally uised for writin Coptic,[1] uisin the similar Greek letters, in addition tae the uniquely Coptic additions. Beginnin wi version 4.1 o the Unicode Standard, a sindry Coptic block has been includit in Unicode, allowin for mixed Greek/Coptic text that is stylistically contrastive, as is convention in scholarly works. Writin polytonic Greek requires the uise o combining chairacters or the precomposed vowel + tone chairacters in the Greek Extended chairacter block.

The block name in Unicode 1.0 wis semply Greek, awtho Coptic letters wis else includit.

Block[eedit | eedit soorce]

Greek an Coptic[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+037x Ͱ ͱ Ͳ ͳ ʹ ͵ Ͷ ͷ ͺ ͻ ͼ ͽ ; Ϳ
U+038x ΄ ΅ Ά · Έ Ή Ί Ό Ύ Ώ
U+039x ΐ Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο
U+03Ax Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω Ϊ Ϋ ά έ ή ί
U+03Bx ΰ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο
U+03Cx π ρ ς σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϊ ϋ ό ύ ώ Ϗ
U+03Dx ϐ ϑ ϒ ϓ ϔ ϕ ϖ ϗ Ϙ ϙ Ϛ ϛ Ϝ ϝ Ϟ ϟ
U+03Ex Ϡ ϡ Ϣ ϣ Ϥ ϥ Ϧ ϧ Ϩ ϩ Ϫ ϫ Ϭ ϭ Ϯ ϯ
U+03Fx ϰ ϱ ϲ ϳ ϴ ϵ ϶ Ϸ ϸ Ϲ Ϻ ϻ ϼ Ͻ Ͼ Ͽ
1.^ As o Unicode version 13.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points

History[eedit | eedit soorce]

In Unicode 1.0.1, a nummer o chynges were makkit tae this block for tae mak Unicode 1.0.1 a proper subset o ISO 10646.[1][2][3]

  • The smaw stigma, digamma, koppa an sampi wis withdrawn for further study. Thir chairacters wis addit back in, in Unicode 3.0.0.
  • The non-spacing dasia pneumata, psili pneumata an tonos wis mellt wi non-spacin reversed comma abuin, comma abuin and vertical line abuin in the Combinin Diacritical Mairks block. The last wis replacit bi the spacin tonos, while in Unicode 5.1.0 the former twa wis replacit by the smaw heta an the caipital archaic sampi.
  • The non-spacin iota ablo an diaeresis tonos wis renamed an flittit tae the Combinin Diacritical Mairks block. The latter wis replacit bi the spacin diaeresis tonos, while the former wis replacit bi the caipital heta in Unicode 5.1.0.
  • The Greek question mairk, the upper an lower numeral signs an the aforementioned spacin tonos and diaeresis tonos, an the spacing iota ablo wis flittit tae new positions within the block an aw. They were replacit bi the kai, or Greek &, (in Unicode 3.0.0), the caipital an smaw archaic koppa (3.2.0), the yot (1.1.0), an alternative caipital theta an the lunate epsilon (both 3.1.0) respectively.

The followin Unicode-relatit documents record the purpose an process o definin specific chairacters in the Greek an Coptic block:

Version Final code points[a] Count UTC ID L2 ID WG2 ID Document
1.0.0 U+0374..0375, 037A, 037E, 0384..0386, 0388..038A, 038C, 038E..03A1, 03A3..03CE, 03D0..03D6, 03DA, 03DC, 03DE, 03E0, 03E2..03F0 101 (to be determined)
L2/06-386 Davis, Mark (9 November 2006), Properties not preserving canonical equivalence
L2/07-015 Moore, Lisa (8 Februar 2007), "UCD Canonical Check (B.14.9) [U+0374]", UTC #110 Minutes
L2/07-071 Davis, Mark (8 Februar 2007), UCD Canonical Check
U+03F1 1 UTC/1991-048B Whistler, Ken (27 Mairch 1991), "Alternate Rho", Draft Minutes from the UTC meeting #46 day 2, 3/27 at Apple
U+03F2 1 UTC/1991-048B Whistler, Ken (27 Mairch 1991), "Lunate Sigma", Draft Minutes from the UTC meeting #46 day 2, 3/27 at Apple
1.1 U+0387, 03F3 2 (to be determined)
L2/06-386 Davis, Mark (9 November 2006), Properties not preserving canonical equivalence
L2/07-015 Moore, Lisa (8 Februar 2007), "UCD Canonical Check (B.14.9) [U+0387]", UTC #110 Minutes
L2/07-071 Davis, Mark (8 Februar 2007), UCD Canonical Check
3.0 U+03D7, 03DB, 03DD, 03DF, 03E1 5 L2/98-210 N1743 Archived 2022-01-20 at the Wayback Machine Everson, Michael (25 Mey 1998), Additional Greek characters for the UCS
L2/98-281R (pdf, html) Aliprand, Joan (31 Julie 1998), "Greek characters (IV.C.2)", Unconfirmed Minutes - UTC #77 & NCITS Subgroup L2 # 174 JOINT MEETING, Redmond, WA -- July 29-31, 1998
L2/98-292R (pdf, html, Figure 1) "2.2", Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 4, 19 August 1998
L2/98-292 N1840 "2.2", Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 4, 25 August 1998
L2/98-293 N1885 "2.3", Comments on proposals to add various characters to ISO/IEC 10646, 25 August 1998
L2/98-301 N1847 Everson, Michael (12 September 1998), Responses to NCITS/L2 and Unicode Consortium comments on numerous proposals
L2/98-372 N1884R2 (pdf, doc) Whistler, Ken; et al. (22 September 1998), Additional Characters for the UCS
L2/98-329 N1920 Archived 2020-10-02 at the Wayback Machine Combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot on WD for ISO/IEC 10646-1/Amd. 30, AMENDMENT 30: Additional Latin and other characters, 28 October 1998
L2/99-010 N1903 (pdf, html, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (30 December 1998), "", Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35, London, U.K.; 1998-09-21--25
3.1 U+03F4..03F5 2 L2/00-119[b] N2191R Whistler, Ken; Freytag, Asmus (19 Apryle 2000), Encoding Additional Mathematical Symbols in Unicode
L2/00-234 N2203 (rtf, txt) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (21 Julie 2000), "8.18", Minutes from the SC2/WG2 meeting in Beijing, 2000-03-21 -- 24
L2/00-115R2 Moore, Lisa (8 August 2000), "Motion 83-M11", Minutes Of UTC Meeting #83
3.2 U+03D8..03D9, 03F6 3 L2/99-018 N1938 Everson, Michael (12 December 1998), On GREEK LETTER KOPPA
L2/99-077.1 N1975 Irish Comments on SC 2 N 3210, 20 Januar 1999
L2/99-054R Aliprand, Joan (21 Juin 1999), "Greek Letter Koppa", Approved Minutes from the UTC/L2 meeting in Palo Alto, February 3-5, 1999
L2/00-119[b] N2191R Whistler, Ken; Freytag, Asmus (19 Apryle 2000), Encoding Additional Mathematical Symbols in Unicode
L2/00-234 N2203 (rtf, txt) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (21 Julie 2000), "8.18", Minutes from the SC2/WG2 meeting in Beijing, 2000-03-21 -- 24
L2/00-115R2 Moore, Lisa (8 August 2000), "Motion 83-M11", Minutes Of UTC Meeting #83
L2/01-050 N2253 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (21 Januar 2001), "RESOLUTION M39.24", Minutes of the SC2/WG2 meeting in Athens, September 2000
4.0 U+03F7..03F8 2 L2/01-007 Bunz, Carl-Martin (21 December 2000), "Bactrian", Iranianist Meeting Report: Symposium on Encoding Iranian Scripts in Unicode
L2/02-009 Bunz, Carl-Martin (23 November 2001), "Bactrian", 2nd Iranian Meeting Report
L2/02-056 N2411 Everson, Michael (30 Januar 2002), Proposal to add two Greek letters for Bactrian to the UCS
L2/02-166R2 Moore, Lisa (9 August 2002), "Scripts and New Characters - Bactrian", UTC #91 Minutes, The UTC accepts two Greek characters for use in Bactrian
U+03F9 1 L2/02-314R[c] N2512 Pantelia, Maria (21 August 2002), Proposal to add the Greek Capital Lunate Sigma Symbol to the UCS
U+03FA..03FB 2 L2/02-313R2[c] N2522 Pantelia, Maria (7 November 2002), Proposal to encode the Archaic Greek Letter San and Greek Small Letter San in the UCS
L2/04-034 March, Jeremy; Kirk, Peter; Rourke, Patrick; Anderson, Deborah (23 Januar 2004), Request to Change Greek Collation Order for SAN
4.1 U+03FC 1 L2/03-157 Pantelia, Maria (19 Mey 2003), Additional Beta Code Characters not in Unicode (WIP)
L2/03-188R N2612-5 Pantelia, Maria (11 Juin 2003), Proposal to encode the Greek Rho with Stroke Symbol in the UCS
U+03FD..03FF 3 L2/02-031 Anderson, Deborah (21 Januar 2002), TLG Miscellanea Proposal
L2/02-033 Anderson, Deborah (21 Januar 2002), TLG Unicode Proposal (draft)
L2/02-053 Anderson, Deborah (4 Februar 2002), Description of TLG Documents
L2/02-273 Pantelia, Maria (31 Julie 2002), TLG Unicode Proposal
L2/02-287 Pantelia, Maria (9 August 2002), Proposal Summary Form accompanying TLG Unicode Proposal (L2/02-273)
L2/02-312R Pantelia, Maria (7 November 2002), Proposal to encode additional Greek editorial and punctuation characters in the UCS
L2/03-324 N2642 Pantelia, Maria (6 October 2003), Proposal to encode additional Greek editorial and punctuation characters in the UCS
5.0 U+037B..037D 3 L2/05-076 Davis, Mark (10 Februar 2005), Stability of Case Folding
N2942 Freytag, Asmus; Whistler, Ken (12 August 2005), Proposal to add nine lowercase characters
L2/05-108R Moore, Lisa (26 August 2005), "Stability of Case Folding (B.14.2)", UTC #103 Minutes
N2953 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (16 Februar 2006), "M47.5c, M47.5d, M47.5e", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 47, Sophia Antipolis, France; 2005-09-12/15
5.1 U+0370..0373, 0376..0377 6 L2/04-388 Nicholas, Nick (10 November 2004), Proposal to add Greek Letter Lowercase Heta and Greek Letter Capital Heta to the UCS
L2/04-389 Nicholas, Nick (10 November 2004), Epigraphical Greek Letters: Request for preliminary opinion
L2/05-002 Nicholas, Nick (1 Januar 2005), Proposal to add Greek Letter Lowercase Heta and Greek Letter Capital Heta (Updated fonts 2005-04-28)
L2/05-003R N2946 Nicholas, Nick (1 Januar 2005), Proposal to add Greek epigraphical letters
L2/05-054 Anderson, Deborah (31 Januar 2005), Feedback on Proposals for Tack Hetas and Greek Epigraphical Letters (L2/05-002, L2/05-003)
L2/05-098 Nicholas, Nick (3 Apryle 2005), Proposal to add Greek epigraphical characters to the UCS
L2/05-108R Moore, Lisa (26 August 2005), "Greek Epigraphical Letters (C.10)", UTC #103 Minutes
N2953 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (16 Februar 2006), "7.4.3", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 47, Sophia Antipolis, France; 2005-09-12/15
N3153 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (16 Februar 2007), "M49.1c [U+0373]", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 49 AIST, Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan; 2006-09-25/29
U+03CF 1 L2/06-266 N3122 Everson, Michael (6 August 2006), Proposal to add Latin letters and a Greek symbol to the UCS
L2/06-231 Moore, Lisa (17 August 2006), "C.16", UTC #108 Minutes
N3153 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (16 Februar 2007), "M49.3", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 49 AIST, Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan; 2006-09-25/29
7.0 U+037F 1 L2/10-474 N3997 Bobeck, Michael (12 December 2010), Proposal to encode GREEK CAPITAL LETTER YOT
L2/11-016 Moore, Lisa (15 Februar 2011), "C.9", UTC #126 / L2 #223 Minutes
N4103 "11.2.8 Greek Capital Letter YOT", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 58, 3 Januar 2012
  1. Proposed code points an chairacters names mey differ fae final code points an names
  2. a b Refer tae the history section o the Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B block for additional math-relatit documents
  3. a b See L2/02-031, L2/02-053, L2/02-273, an L2/02-287 an aw

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. a b c "Unicode 1.0.1 Addendum" (PDF). The Unicode Standard. 3 November 1992. Retrieved 9 Julie 2016."Unicode 1.0.1 Addendum" (PDF). The Unicode Standard. 1992-11-03. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  2. a b "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 9 Julie 2016."Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  3. a b "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 9 Julie 2016."Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.